Our Experience

  • Polymers

    • Waste plastic recyclers (chemical/mechanical; PCR/PIR)

    • Pyrolysis oil generators

    • Refineries and monomerization units

    • Polymerization units

    • Converters

    • Nylon intermediates & manufacturers

    • Traders and traders with storage present in the value chain

  • Renewable Natural Gas (Biomethane)

    • Landfill biogas to biomethane generators

    • Manure (dairy and swine) to biomethane generators

    • Food waste to biomethane generators

    • Biogas upgraders

    • Biomethane to bio-methanol producers

    • Traders present in the value chain

  • Renewable Fuels

    • Renewable diesel generators

    • Biodiesel generators

    • Sustainable aviation fuel generators

    • Sustainable marine fuel generators

    • Traders and traders with storage present in the value chain

  • Tires

    • End-of-life tire collectors and recyclers

    • Pyrolysis oil generators

    • Carbon black generators

    • Tire manufacturers

    • Traders and traders with storage present in the value chain

  • Specialty Chemicals

    With applications in:

    • Healthcare

    • Automotive industries

    • Fertilizers

    • Wood and paper

    • Cosmetics

    • Food preservatives

    • Household products

  • Certified Auditors

    • ISCC EU



    • ISCC GHG Emissions

    • ISCC Waste & Residues

Global Footprint

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